Monday, March 21, 2011

Surveys say...

Before we get into today's column, you might want to take this poll.

Now you can't say I didn't warn you.

I was thinking about polls after finding out at work the other day that I'm not as square as I thought I was. More of a rhombus, if you will.

At issue was hearing on TV last week that a girl was "sweating" a guy. I had never heard the term before, but when I excitedly told my girlfriend what I had learned, I could almost feel her patting my head over the phone.

Sweating has been around for a while, she said, long before The Situation used the term on "Jersey Shore." (Since I know you're wondering: "Masterpiece Theatre" was a repeat.)

This led me to poll a handful of co-workers who are about my age. About half knew of sweating and gave me the pat on the head via e-mail, but others had no clue. The lack of consensus was somewhat reassuring, and I achieved my goal of using "sweating" in everyday conversation.

My point is, I'd like to incorporate more polling in my life. It's not that I would call myself indecisive. But I could. So why not let other people make a decision for me if they're willing?

Say, for example, I wake up and don't know what to wear to work. (Actually, that would never happen. I have a system with my pants and shirts. But bear with me, this is just an exercise.) Rather than aimlessly searching in my closet, I could ask people

And then I and my chaps would hop on my horse and gallop to the office.

I think the polling would most come in handy for entertainment choices. Not only could friends and family tell me if a movie or book is good, but knowing me and my tastes gives them insight into whether I would like it even if they didn't.

During that same episode of "Jersey Shore," for example, I saw a trailer for a summer movie where the plot seems to be Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake have trouble keeping on their clothes when they see each other. My Chick Flick Detector went off when I saw the Wisecracking, Gay Best Friend supporting character and heard the chorus of Semisonic's "Closing Time" in the background. On the other hand, Mila Kunis was in her underwear a lot and Justin Timberlake and I share a birthday.

(Strangest part of the trailer: seeing Jenna Elfman as Timberlake's mother. Dharma's old enough to play a mother with a son in his late 20s/early 30s? Man, I'm getting old.)

So, please help me make plans for at least one night this summer.

Thanks. I'll sweat you very much in return.

1 comment:

  1. Since we're on the topic, have I told you that I sweat you?!
